I finally decided to give up coffee, because they are concerned about your blood pressure, disrupted sleep patterns, or other health problem?

If, as up to 20% of the population in the Western world, IBS, you probably learned that coffee is a trigger. Surprisingly, caffeine-free coffee is a trigger. This not only caffeine stimulates the intestine. Coffee contains an enzyme that irritate the digestive system.

Do you like the taste of coffee and the whole experience – but you know that coffee can not understand you.

The decision was made … but I miss that early morning experience … a warm, rich flavor, texture and aroma … as we feel that caresses your tongue and slides down your throat.

substitutes may be the answer for you.

grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits form the basis of many coffee-like beverage. They can be roasted, soaked or boiled to extract materials that the product is dried final product that you mix with hot water or produce than regular ground coffee.

Here are some substitutes it may be worth trying.

CAF Lib Original Blend Decaffeinated Grain Beverage

CAF-Lib is an instant coffee alternative extracted from roasted barley malt, roasted barley and roasted chicory. This 100% all natural and non-caffeine, sugar, chemical agents, or preservatives. It looks and tastes a lot like some coffee without the coffee & # 39; and unpleasant side effects.

Pero Decaffeinated Coffee Beverage

Pero, Switzerland, the product is made from malted barley, barley, chicory, rye, added ingredients. A very low acidity, and a coffee-like flavor.

Teeccino caffeine-free herbal coffee

Teeccino substitutes rich in inulin, a soluble fiber chicory root that helps to improve digestion / elimination and increase the absorption of calcium and minerals. It is non-acidic and high heart-healthy potassium. Teeccino available in several flavors.

Dandy Blend Instant decaffeinated coffee grains drink

Dandy Blend macrobiotic, vegan, gluten-free and without acidity or bitterness. It features the health benefits of dandelion and the rich, full-bodied taste, smooth texture and a real coffee.

Cafix all natural caffeine-free instant drink

Cafix substitutes a get-rich-tasting healthy blend of natural ingredients … nothing artificial. malted barley, barley, chicory, figs, beets and between components.

Organic Cafe Orzo Italian caffeine-free alternative

Cafe Orzo made of organic roasted barley. Beer that as a cup of coffee – the coffee drip, drip filter, or a French press. This is a smooth, nutty-flavored beverage rich.

Crio Bru Vega Real

Vega Real premium natural roasted cocoa hints of red berries and dark spices. The earthy tones of beans are harvested at the peak of freshness and crafted to reveal the luxurious, complex flavor, suggesting a dark red berries and spices cocoa aroma. Crio Bru So simple, even a coffee maker or French press. The report brew delicious, especially if you add a little sweetener or milk replacer.

Note: Cocoa beans contain small amounts of caffeine. If it or caffeine- sensitive to chocolate, this may not be the drink for you.

Natural Touch Kaffree Roma decaffeinated coffee Replacement

Kaffree Roma roasted grain beverage delicious and satisfying. It is made from roasted malt barley, a little chicory. Enjoy the robust, full-bodied taste of coffee without the caffeine, tannic acids, or coffee beans.


The material in this article is for information only. This is not meant to replace proper medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Always consult a physician or other appropriate health care providers before taking any medicine, natural medicines or supplements; Before or change your diet. Discuss any plan, symptoms and diseases doctor.


here the ideas contained in its sole discretion, risk and responsibility. The author is not liable for any information presented. No representations or warranties, express or implied.

Do not start or discontinue medical treatment on the basis of information in this or any other article.

Source by Kathy Steinemann